Maria Diaz - post 1

The topic of our group was Intercultural communication is about how there are many different cultures in this world where we learn everything about each other. 

We learned as a group we helped each other as we were each learning about the topic. 

We all did our own thing, but we came together to finish the whole PowerPoint.

         The way we planned everything as a group, was to everyone have their own thing and I had pictures to just explain what my slides were about.

We do need to learn to work together more but we also helped each other when we had questions. 





The leaders are always there to help us even if people ask questions over and over. There are many possibilities for why the leaders were chosen because they always know what to say and when to ask. 

     The reviews for group two that I have that it is good for each presentation where they have details and sound that they did their work along with many other works. Each slide presenter stated their own stuff and did not just read from each slide. Each person had everything prepared and was not hectic in a way where they knew when to read and what to read along with the time with what they had to do. 

    For group three the one for the video was with the video to have a saying that involves everything and with the video + improvising. I also liked the explanation that some were confident more than others which was a good thing. 

    I like to work with my group because of how each one was punctual in helping each other and not delayed or having trouble with each other.   More people slowly started texting which at first was emptier compared to now.

    Each group is in a unique work having their time in each where they had all positive work. The group leaders were usually leaders are actual leaders who had more time to come and say, I'm here for this and that and others who pretended to help, but these leaders have their titles for a reason. 

   Each lesson and chapter has taught me what, when, and how I should learn because of the certain details each person had about the chapter. What I mostly learned was about leadership. I loved the presentation themselves and how they thanked the person who controlled the slides just for each of them. 

   A specific detail I understood most and liked most was about leadership because it gave me a different perspective on what to look for in a leader and whether they are worth sharing my time with them or not.

   Another part I liked was that it was said that working together and being in a team is important because it creates one whole by helping and having that relief to say ''They have my back.''

    At the start of every presentation, they had a small delay but continued to have an after and had a self-limit time in summaries. During many slides, they specifically go straight to the point and identify each of the summaries and meanings. Most of the time it could be hard because maybe not everyone is comfortable where they have different sayings and meanings where they have to learn their own way and have to shorten each of the words and pages.



  I also learned about culture and sexuality the world is very diverse and they cannot always accept people by other people which causes a division between each culture. There is also a bigger division which is called religion where there are many and everyone is against each other because of different learning but some pass by religion and come together and become friends as well as for sexuality and culture. 

   Communication is very big but not many people always have it because of what you do and when you do due to having to deal with different speaking communication where there is shy, or others just don't like to present. 

   Being a leader is very helpful and one must have confidence they do many reactions and have more responsibilities than the other groups because not everyone would be on top of their work, there has to be a difference where the leader has to make sure of every work to get full credit.

 Groups are always difficult when you are not as social but there are many kinds of groups in each section which are:

  •  Families 
  • social groups 
  • support groups 
  • interest groups
  • service groups 
  • work groups and teams 
  • virtual groups
  • mediated communication in virtual groups
  • healthy groups giving out to different groups.    
  1. ethical goals 
  2. independent groups
  3. cohesive groups
  4. developing and abiding by productive norms
  5. accountable groups 
  6. synergetic groups

There are those having of stages of development where you go through something needing something that has passed by something giving the one specific help and having that where you learn to speak and help more people giving you a voice.


My experience in being was Shakey in the beginning because I personally have not presented and I am a nervous person when it is public speaking even if it is on the computer but being in this class can give me that confidence and I slowly have more into opening my voice and letting words flow through me and not get stuck on many things. I have done homework all my life and even though I do not have a good memory I try very hard to remember and see more words of having that moment of being there. Even though as I progress through each time, to get a new experience and have that luxury where I do not have to be really shy to have that moment and breath and show I can do more to work together where I have to speak and not stay quiet and not have to just stay in the back where everyone participates and it helped more due to seeing other points of views in each chapter.



















  1. What a lovely honest post. Just know we are all here to make you less nervous and to enjoy more.


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