Hassim Ali - Post 02

    For this group project, we collaborated to create a brochure, study guide presentation, and main topic presentation about the concept of 'paying-it-forward' and different aspects about it. In order to fulfill the objectives of this project, we looked at the different subtopics we were tasked with at present, and the different chapters for the study guide together. Then, we split up the chapters among ourselves (I went with preparing the study guide for chapter 07), and then got paired together for the 'paying-It-forward' subtopics (in which Brianna and I covered the American vs. world perspectives on 'paying-it-forward') After a few classmates gladly clarified what needed to be accomplished, I understood what to do and how to get it done accordingly.

    At first, I outlined my plan and guideline for completing every part of the project, at a timely pace. Given that this project included more components and more in-depth research, I had to balance my time where I could work on chapter 07 work one day, and where I would research about 'paying-it-forward' and the American perspective on it on other days. On the days detailing my work for chapter 07, I would subdivide my time to skim over each chapter subtopic, and then actually read it again to retain what I learnt and for better understanding. I also was intrigued by the example of the two college girls they used to demonstrate their point about how to initiate conversations with another stranger, how friendships can grow and be maintained, and then eventually wither away. Though I may have felt a little saddened that the girls' friendship decayed to the point of contacting each other on a surface level again, I found the example to be a helpful way to grasp the concepts of relationships and how it can be affected by different factors. In the end, I managed to sum up each chapter subtopic in a few sentences, and then create a set of important vocabulary words or create a graphic organizer detailing the mechanics of an important concept (i.e Johari Window). 

  In addition to completing the study guide for chapter 07, I also outlined a guideline for researching and presenting about 'paying-it-forward' with an American perspective. With the expectation of being as in-depth as I could about the topic, I divided my research into different parts: paying-it-forward on an American community level, paying-it-forward on an American individual level, history of paying-it-forward in America, and examples of paying-it-forward in different America regions and areas. Finding my sources was not too difficult, as long as I referred to university studies, psychological research studies, and articles from an official research facility (i.e American Medical Association). After having enough sources, I would then write up a draft, detailing each point about my different divisions, and incorporate them into the slides. Looking back, I probably committed to doing too much research, that I had to cut down on a lot of my information to present, and thus would be something I'd keep in mind for the next project to improve on. I also felt as though I should have elaborated a little more on certain points, like detailing more about ‘Freedom Summer’ or the connection of establishing ‘mentorship’ as a way to pay-it-forward, to reinforce the theme of paying-it-forward while keeping a better pace and not taking up too much time.

    Aside from my own research and information, I also was intrigued by the information about ‘paying-it-forward’ from my own groupmates. For example, I found Briana’s part of the presentation to be a great reinforcement to concept of paying-it-forward, especially in how she details about ‘askida ekmek’, in which a Turkish person would buy a loaf of bread, so that someone from outside can have a free loaf if they needed it. Not only did she show us the connection between Turkish culture and paying-it-forward, but also elaborated on the religious aspect of it, and thus highlighted the importance of the practice in Turkey on a deeper level. I also liked Gabriela’s Moise’s part about local and national organizations, in which I did not know about the existence of some of them, like GROW Central Florida or the Outreach Corps, and I was glad to learn about how our local communities look out for underprivileged families through donating furniture and revitalizing playgrounds for local children. I also noted Gerardo’s touch about the historical context of paying-it-forward, especially with mentioning Chinese and Greek philosophy about paying-it-forward, to which I have been familiar with hearing before in my Critical Thinking and Ethics course. From each groupmate’s presentation, I gained a better understanding of how paying-it-forward can be applied, shared, and taught through different communities and societies.

   From group 02’s presentation about self-care, I was pleased with the addition of entertainment being considered an avenue for self-care, since there have been some contrary opinions that may label entertainment as ‘unproductive’ or ‘time-wasters’. But Andre’s point about how entertainment provides a balance to one’s life, as they can unwind and do something relaxing or well-engaging in their spare time and come with its benefits. I took away that though work may be important, one should be able to differentiate work time and relaxed time to avoid getting stressed out or burnt out often. Along with entertainment, I also remembered the concepts of mental health and exercise being presented about, and with the importance of mental and physical well-being going hand-in-hand for self-care. I also liked the detail explaining the anaerobic and aerobic exercises, with the presenter tying in biology concepts to explain the effect of the body as one exercise. I found that group 02’s presentation included different aspects of self-care that matter on every level, from sleep and hygiene to exercise and entertainment, and how they correlate to build healthier habits for a healthier life.

  All in all, working with group 01 to research, understand, connect with, and present about the theme of ‘paying it forward’ not only deepened my understanding of what it means to pay-it-forward and what a huge impact it can have on others, but also strengthen my teamwork and communication skills even more, with some areas that I done well in, and other areas with more room for improvement. I look forward to applying what I learnt about paying-it-forward and be open to opportunities to support others on an individual or community level, and with the lessons learnt to aid my personal and professional growth throughout college and into my life. 


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