
Hassim Ali - Post 02

     For this group project, we collaborated to create a brochure, study guide presentation, and main topic presentation about the concept of 'paying-it-forward' and different aspects about it. In order to fulfill the objectives of this project, we looked at the different subtopics we were tasked with at present, and the different chapters for the study guide together. Then, we split up the chapters among ourselves (I went with preparing the study guide for chapter 07), and then got paired together for the 'paying-It-forward' subtopics (in which Brianna and I covered the American vs. world perspectives on 'paying-it-forward') After a few classmates gladly clarified what needed to be accomplished, I understood what to do and how to get it done accordingly.     At first, I outlined my plan and guideline for completing every part of the project, at a timely pace. Given that this project included more components and more in-depth research, I had to balance my time w...

Adrian Calvo - Post 2

Adrian Calvo The second set of presentations that our class had was the topics of self-care, paying it forward, and good eating. These are all different things that most people would like to do in their day-to-day lives. Overall, I think the topics are a bit more interesting this time around. I found myself to be more engaged with the presentations since this is a much simpler thing to implement in my life. The study guides before the presentations were a practical way to digest the chapters. The brochures worked in a similar way since they would provide a quick summary of what would come in the power points. The first group to present was group three with the topic of good eating and covered chapters four, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. Out of those chapters I thought the most compelling one was chapter twelve which went over how to organize a speech. The chapter goes over how to develop the body of a speech and how to make your message clear. I think this is vital to any...

Xzavier Decastro - Post 2

     Working together on a project about "paying it forward" can be a truly rewarding and heartwarming experience. This concept, which involves performing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return, fosters a sense of community, empathy, and generosity. Here is a description of the experience with the group members, along with the experience of learning about the topics presented by the other groups.         We started off the project by assigning our roles. Everyone jumped to the roles they thought would fit best, which led to everybody being comfortable in what they were creating. I chose the role of history/overview. I understood the growth of paying it forward in the world and got to learn about its origins in many different countries and cultures and learned the vast differences between them. From things like paying for another person's cup of coffee to making movies based on stories of paying it forward, I learned a lot. Choosing this...

ZaMiyah Evans Post- 2

  In this new presentation “paying it forward” was the class topic. Now if you don’t understand the phrase “Paying it forward” kinda think of a nice gesture. the act of performing a kind or generous deed for someone, without expecting anything in return. Instead of accepting gratitude or repayment, the person is encouraged to pass on the kindness by helping someone else. This creates a ripple effect or a people now call it a “chain reaction” of goodwill and positive energy that can spread throughout a community. Paying it forward can take many forms, from simple acts like paying for a stranger’s coffee to more significant gestures like donating time or resources to a charitable cause. The concept is based on the belief that small acts of kindness can have a big impact and that by helping others, we can create a more compassionate and interconnected world. Learning about “paying it forward” has encouraged me to do acts in the sense of paying it forward and has helped my idea of payi...

Gerardo Castillo - Post 2

     Our most recent group project encouraged us to investigate the intriguing concept of "paying it forward." While I already had a basic grasp of the concept, this assignment allowed me to explore deeper into it. I'd like to start this blog by providing some key takeaways from our presentation and highlighting how collaborative group work not only helps the pay-it-forward movement but also provides significant benefits to us as students. I'll also discuss what I learnt from the presentations of other groups.      At its foundation, paying it forward is a practice based on kindness, empathy, and the notion that tiny acts of kindness can spark a chain reaction of positive change. Essentially, it entails committing an act of compassion for someone without expecting anything in return. The objective is that the individual who benefits from the act of kindness will then extend that kindness to someone else, resulting in a chain reaction of good actions that ex...

Marcos Cruz - Post 2

 Marcos Cruz - Blog 2 Embarking on the journey of our recent group project in my Speech Communication (SPC) class was akin to setting sail into a vast sea of collective effort and individual discovery. Our group, which I'll refer to as Group 1, was tasked with delving into the profound theme of "Paying It Forward" and its impact on community building. My role, particularly, was to unearth the historical roots of these acts and how they've evolved into a societal staple. The project was more than an academic requirement; it became a conduit for exploring the essence of kindness and the organizations, such as the Kindness Foundation and Kiva, that embody this virtue through their work. These organizations' dedication to fostering community spirit and providing relief in various forms brought our research to life and illuminated the value of every good deed. The process began with an essential question: "How can small, individual acts of kindness transform a com...

Brianna albert- post 2

  In this group assignment, my group was assigned with the topic of paying it forward. Prior to this assignment I had some previous knowledge on the subject but nothing too extensive. I would like to start this blog off by talking about some of the key things I learnt while doing this presentation and also how working in a group  not only can be contributing to the movement  of paying it forward but is beneficial to us students in general. I will also add key things I learnt from the other groups presentation. Paying it forward is a concept and practice rooted in kindness, empathy, and the idea that small acts of goodwill can create a ripple effect of positive change. At its core, paying it forward entails performing an act of kindness for someone without expecting anything in return. The idea is that the recipient of the kindness will, in turn, do something kind for someone else, creating a chain reaction of positive deeds that extend far beyond the initial act. This sel...